Original Art

Life Is Extraordinary, You Are Extraordinary

My philosophy with my art {and life} is to explore endless possibilites. I experiment and take a "let's see" approach and let each piece evolve with it's own meaning and personality.

Meet The Artist

Hi I'm Rose, and am based in Brisbane, Australia.

My art is crazy, it’s wild and it’s expressive. I create rich layered pieces. Each painting is like a journey into the unknown - you'll discover something new every time you look at them, guaranteed!

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  • "Utterly In Love"

    "Rose, I am hopelessly and utterly in love with your artwork. Thank you so much for bringing such colour and brightness to my life with each piece.- Jo

  • "Courageously Striving Forward"

    I have Wild Woman Rising on my bedroom wall with the description on a mounted piece underneath .

    It makes me feel proud of all of us women who are courageously striving forward in life . Ros

  • "Energy & Freedom"

    "I have four of Rose paintings in my workspace and they are so gorgeous. 

    They all have Rose’s unique style with a sense of energy and freedom and I just adore them. "– Naomi

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